Shihan Nadeau’s book, Aikido: The Art of Transformation is available for pre-order.
Shihan Nadeau’s book, Aikido: The Art of Transformation is available for pre-order.
O’sensei Revisited • 2021 Virtual Workshop
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OSR 2021 Workshop Instructors
Saturday March 6th First Class
Instructor: Teja Bell, 6th dan
Teja began practicing Aikido in 1971 and has been studying with Robert Nadeau sensei since 1979. He has also practiced with many of O’Sensei’s first generation teachers, including Francis Takahashi, Morihiro Saito, Akira Tohei, Kazuo Chiba, Hiroshi Ikeda, Terry Dobson, Mitsugi Saotome, and Mitsunari Kanai sensei. Teja’s relationship with Frank McGouirk sensei of Aikido-Ai spans over 35 years, integrating Aikido, Zen and healing arts. An ordained Rinzai-lineage Zen Master and meditation teacher, Roshi Fudo Myoo Teja Bell is the 84th Ancestor of this Zen tradition.
Saturday March 6th Second Class
Harry Concepcion, 5th dan
After studying Kung Fu, Tae Kwon Do, and Karate for years, Harry wanted a martial discipline that offered more depth and substance beyond competitive fighting and tournaments. After researching various internal martial arts, he discovered that Aikido was the right fit for him and began practicing with Jack Wada sensei in 1988. Harry continues to train and teach at Aikido of San Jose and enjoys visiting other dojos around the world.
Saturday March 6th Third Class
Instructor: Jack Wada, 7th dan
Jack began his study of Aikido in 1969 while a student at UC Santa Cruz under Robert Frager sensei, and through him came to know Robert Nadeau sensei, a close relationship that continues to this day. In 1973, Jack made his first of several trips to Japan to study at the Kumano Juku dojo under Hikitsuchi, Anno, Yanase and Tojima sensei. Since 1980, Jack has served as the chief instructor at Aikido of San Jose. He always tries to follow O’sensei’s life and teachings, letting them guide his own training and the Aikido classes he teaches. In addition, Jack is also a long-time student and teacher of T’ai Chi.
Saturday March 13th First Class
Instructor: Bob Leichner, 6th dan
Bob has practiced Aikido over many years with three American teachers: Frank Doran, Mary Heiny and Robert Nadeau. He began his Aikido study with Doran sensei in 1978. Then, he met Mary Heiny sensei in 1999. During his early years in Aikido, Bob was repeatedly impressed by the quality of the movement and presence on the mat of certain training partners, qualities that Bob felt he needed to experience and add to his own practice. When he asked who these students trained with, the answer was frequently “Robert Nadeau sensei.” And so, he began practicing with Nadeau sensei, as well. To this day, Bob considers it a privilege to train under these three exceptional Aikido teachers.
Saturday March 13th Second Class
Instructor: Elaine Yoder, 6th dan
Elaine began her Aikido training in 1977 with Robert Nadeau sensei. She has continued training and teaching in the Bay Area over the past 44 years. The focus of her Aikido teaching, as well as her professional practice as a Feldenkrais® Practitioner, is to use movement to help humans live full and healthy lives.
Saturday March 13th Third Class
Instructor: Laurin Herr, 6th dan
Laurin was introduced to Aikido in 1971 as a student at Cornell University. Inspired by his first experience on the mat, he studied Japanese intensively, moved to Tokyo and entered Aikido Hombu Dojo as an unranked white belt, earning his shodan there in 1976. He spent formative years at the Kumano Juku Dojo in Shingu, Japan training under Hikitsuchi, Anno, Yanase and Tojima sensei. He also practiced at the Bond Street Dojo in New York City with Terry Dobson and Ken Nisson. Laurin settled in the San Francisco Bay Area, and in 1998 started practicing with Robert Nadeau sensei. He has been teaching at City Aikido of San Francisco since 2004.
Saturday March 20th First Class
Instructor: Ross Madden, 6th dan
Ross began studying Aikido with Robert Nadeau sensei in 1980. He has trained with many other recognized teachers in California, New York City, Europe, and at Aikido Hombu Dojo in Tokyo. Ross’s teaching emphasizes the development of kindness and compassion to enhance the spiritual and emotional health of the student. He also tries to embody these same qualities in his work as an attorney and mediator. He is the author of THE THREE POISONS: A Buddhist Guide to Resolving Conflict.
Saturday March 20th Second Class
Instructor: Roy Johnston, 6th dan
Roy began his martial arts training in Goshin-do Karate in the early 1970s in New Jersey. In 1988, he started studying Aikido with Robert Nadeau sensei. His transition to Aikido, with its exploration as a budo of peace and transformation, aligned with his professional career in organizations dedicated to the health, well-being, education, and transformation of individuals for the betterment of our world. Roy holds degrees in psychology and consciousness studies and is certified in Interactive Guided Imagery, a collaborative process for accessing an individual’s inner intelligence.
Saturday March 20th Third Class
Instructor: Bob Noha, 6th dan
Bob began practicing Aikido in 1966 in Mountain View and shortly thereafter began training with Robert Nadeau sensei, the start of a life-long friendship. Bob started the first Aikido school in the Washington D.C. area in 1970 and taught arrest/restraint tactics to U.S. Military Police at Andrews Air Force Base in 1974. Then, in 1975, he founded the first Aikido school in Buffalo, N.Y. Bob travelled to Japan to further deepen his Aikido training in 1998, 1999 and 2006. He founded Aikido of Petaluma in 1983 and continues to serve as its chief instructor. In addition, Bob is also a devoted student and teacher of T’ai Chi and has a background in several other martial arts.
Saturday March 27th First Class
Instructor: Kenneth Kron, not fond of ranks 🙂
After years searching for a sensei, Kenneth found Robert Nadeau shihan in 1987. Over the ensuing decades, Kenneth has had the good fortune to travel the world studying with Nadeau and Richard Moon sensei. Kenneth co-created the well-subscribed Moonsensei Channel on YouTube, which features Aikido demonstrations and lectures from Nadeau and Moon sensei going back many years, right up to the present. Nadeau shihan once told Kenneth that rank is a private conversation between teacher and student, and only they can understand its true meaning.
Saturday March 27th Second Class
Susan Spence, 3rd dan
Susan has practiced Aikido with Robert Nadeau sensei for over 30 years, becoming, she believes, a better person, a better physical therapist, and a better healer through her Aikido training. She is currently an instructor at The Aikido Spirit Martial Arts School in Mount Shasta, Calif.
Saturday March 27th Third Class
Instructor: Richard Moon, 6th dan
Richard began his study of martial arts in 1969, training in Shotokan Karate, Kenpo and Kung Fu under various teachers. He began his practice of Aikido in 1971 under Robert Nadeau sensei, a relationship continuing to this day. Richard was also a personal student of Bira Almedia, Mestre Accordion of Brazilian Capoeira; practiced Cheng Hsin with world champion Peter Ralston; and trained in Chi Gung with B.K. Frantzis. Richard was the founder and chief instructor at Aikido of Marin. He was also a co-founder and senior instructor at City Aikido of San Francisco for many years.