Shihan Nadeau’s book, Aikido: The Art of Transformation is available for pre-order.
As I said before, Aikido has nothing to do with brute strength, weapons, or war. It is the Art of Peace. Love is the essence of the divine. love, cosmically and individually, makes the world what it is. Our path is the universal path; to forge one’s mind and body on this path is the forging of the divine. Implement this, develop it into an irresistible force, and unify the world.
The Secret Teachings of Aikido – Page 34
Aikido follows the truth of the universe and reveals the inner principles of existence. However, as I often say, each person must understand this in his or her own way. Those who are practicing in an enlightened manner base their movements on the “one-sword single body” principle [in other words, “no duplicity” l. They never stop refining their character. This Way cannot be expressed in words or theories but must be found in the resonance (hibiki) that sustains existence. The Way is like the flow of blood within one’s body. One must not be separated from the divine mind in the slightest in order to act in accordance with divine will. If you stray even a fraction from the divine will, you will be off the path. In Aikido, you must know yourself and study the true form of the universe. Never forget the one source of things; understand the underlying principles of life; comprehend the eternal laws; and create marvelous techniques that radiate light.
The Secret Teachings of Aikido – Page 15