Class Tuesday March 17th

Thank you for coming and trying out this new format. 

Special thanks to Mark for the idea and follow through to set it up! 

  • O Sensei I do not need a dojo pg. 79 Heart of Aikido
  • O Sensei Aiki is a path of light pg. 38 Heart of Aikido

Today we will work on a similar practice to our work in the Saturday morning Energy Class on levels of consciousness using some basic Aikido exercises and the Kuji Kiri. 

O Sensei on levels of consciousness pg. 85 Heart of Aikido

First some warm-up and stretching exercises and the misogi breathing we have been doing in class.  O Sensei calm the spirit in the tanden pg. 70 Heart of Aikido

Kuji kiri-each of the nine hand positions represents a dimension of consciousness.  Many spiritual traditions work with these levels: for example Yoga; T’ai-chi and Kabbalah.  

We will explore this using the rowing exercise, fune-kogi undo.

Try and remember your initial experience with the exercise so you can use it as a basis of comparison as we go through the kuji kiri.

Kuji kiri

1.   Rin void-O Sensei Aiki created from the great void pg. 45 Heart of Aikido

  •        Rowing exercise and feedback

2.   Pyo yin/yang-fire/water

  • Rowing exercise and feedback

3.   To Activation photo of O Sensei in this position pg. 99 of The Invincible Warrior

  • Rowing exercise and feedback

4.   Sha meditation repose

  • Rowing exercise and feedback

5.   Jin male/female

  • Rowing exercise and feedback

6.   Kai harmony

  • Rowing exercise and feedback

7.   Retsu giving and receiving

  • Rowing exercise and feedback

8.   Zai unity of mind body and voice

  • Rowing exercise and feedback

9.   Zen fusion oneness

  • Rowing exercise and feedback

Repeat entire sequence and rowing exercise and feedback.


Misogi breathing practice

O Sensei Aiki is a path of light pg. 38 Heart of Aikido