Aikido of Petaluma Outside Training Protocols

Training protocols for outside training during the Coronavirus event.

  • No one should feel pressured to come to an in-person class, it is an individual decision to make by yourself, your family, and doctor
  • Maintain at least 6 feet distance from other students
  • Come to class already in your gi, change in your car, or don’t wear a gi
  • Mask is required
  • Bring water, sunscreen, and a hat and sunglasses if you need them as it will be hot outside
  • No sharing of weapons or physical contact
  • We will attempt to make the class available also on zoom
  • Rubber gloves, hand sanitizer and foot covering will be available if someone needs to go in the school to use the restroom
  • For students without weapons, a loan of a weapon from the dojo will be available until we can train in the dojo again
  • Class content will include weapons work and the in-depth types of practices we are currently doing in the zoom classes
  • Should it rain during class we will suspend the rest of the class