Video of Dan Testing 3-10-2012

On Saturday, March 10, 2012, Aikido of Petaluma conducted testing for the rank of shodan (new black belt).  Three candidates, Nancy Vayhinger, Aldo Quezada, and Mark De Souza successfully tested.  We had a lot of support from family, members of visiting dojos and some great participation from the school.

Here is some footage of the event:

Mark De Souza

Aldo Quezada

Sensei Bob Noha – On Professor Cheng Man Ching and the Yang Style Short Form

In this video, Sensei shares some insight on Professor Cheng Man Ch’ing regarding how he evolved his 37 posture short form from the traditional Yang Style Long Form. He also shares his thoughts on his first impressions of the Professor, and how his Aikido and T’ai Chi practice compliment each other.

“Like” us on Facebook and receive a free month!

We are having a promotion on facebook inviting anyone who is currently not a dojo member and “likes” this page, to come for a free month of Aikido training. This is extended to anyone who has already “liked” us here as well (as long as you aren’t a member already. You know who you are!)

Simply go here:

Click “Like” and come on in for your free month! We are waiting for you.  Onegai shimasu!